How long!

"As per my hobby, after trekking to a beautiful mountain having wonderful waterfalls and tremendous peak giving soulful view, the questions arose in me."

How long it's been?
Last when you were feeling the morning golden rays!

Perhaps you know or don't,
Each morning has been a very new page of your note.
But you, engaged by the spotlight,
For a best role, start the wrong fight.
Not knowing where it's all going to stop,
Not wanting to get all rid of.

How long it's been?
Last when you were inhaling the cool breeze!

Perhaps you know or don't,
Nobody counted if you are taking a breath or not.
Nobody cared if you should take a break or not.
Though you wanted the audience on the other side,
Either watching you or not.

How long it's been?
Last when you were enjoying your lovely self free!

Perhaps you know or don't,
You have made you bound like tight knot,
To the act you've played
For the drama, you said.
Yes, we are the profound characters,
Living in our colourful play.
But, you have been the sturdy makers,
Letting your ugly selves not to go away.

How long it's been? 
Last when you were sitting under the lovely tree!

Welcoming the curtains of intense sky,
After playing the drama for full long day.
Lustrous stars and gleaming moon,
Spreading rest on this Earthly stage,
Leaving the spotlight away,
Taking the solace in your only time,
And being with your self again.

How long it's been?
Last when you were praising the almighty Nature!

As a part of this celebrated life, a colourful play,
Being grateful in your amiable way.
As a role of human being,
Having rights to have your own name.
Keeping yourself to the best.
And believing the Almighty as the rest.

- शिवाक


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